Corporate Responsibility



Antina Promotions focuses on best practices surrounding product safety, ethical responsibilities and care for the environment and community involvement.  Corporate Responsibility is taken seriously and we are committed to continuous improvement.

We follow our responsibility by being committed to the items below:



We focus on creating awareness and promoting effectiveness of promotional products.

According to the Promotional Products Association International (PPAI), Product responsibility is a “pillar of a compliance, and a program that focuses on regulatory compliance of the product as well as product safety.  Starting with the product concept stage, it is critical to know what the regulations are that product must comply with, and also access the product for potential customer use and functionality issues.”.

Antina Promotions makes the effort to remain aware of our obligations and responsibilities in the area of Product Responsibility and educating our clients on Product Responsibility and safety.


Other Best Practices



We place honesty and integrity above all else, especially in the ways we conduct business.



Paper trail is limited through initiatives like invoicing electronically and using e-signature services for our clients to confirm orders and artwork approvals.



We have pride in the Detroit and surrounding communities and give back to these communities through volunteering or charitable contributions. 




While Antina Promotions is based out of Michigan, some of our clients are in different states. We follow Product Responsibility Best practices that coincide with California’s Prop 65.



Prop 65 Requires businesses to notify Californians via warning labels about significant amounts of chemicals – specified in a list of more than 700 [and growing], such as lead and cadmium – contained in a company’s products. More importantly, many of the compounds identified on the Prop 65 list are permissible under federal regulations.  

Since we source and sell products nationwide, some products may need a Prop 65 warning label. If we find that a product requires a warning label, we are transparent about the Prop 65 compliance status and will take appropriate measures to ensure the safety of our clients and their families. For more information on Prop 65, please visit


Our Company's Commitment to Ethical and Responsible Conduct

Our Company believes we must meet the highest ethical expectations of our customers and consumers. To that end, we have adopted standards for the quality and safety of the products we sell, and we are committed assuring that our manufacturing processes respect the rights of individuals and protect the environment.

We will work to assure compliance with all applicable laws, and we will conduct business in an ethical, responsible manner. We expect the same commitment from all businesses that provide us products as primary manufacturers or component subcontractors.  We also expect those suppliers to implement procedures to ensure continual compliance and upon mutual agreement will open their factories and records for audits by our company’s staff or qualified third-party organizations.


Compliance With Laws and Standards.  We will comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding the safety of products we sell.  Where feasible and appropriate, we will meet applicable voluntary industry standards for our products and processes.


Expectations Consistently Met.  We will support and expect manufacturing processes that ensure consistently met expectations of agreed-upon product quality and functionality


No Abuse Of Labor. We will not use any form of forced labor, including indentured, prison, bonded, or slave labor. Physical abuse, the threat of physical abuse, sexual or other harassment, verbal abuse, or other forms of intimidation shall be prohibited.

Employment Relationship. Employees shall be free to end employment at their discretion.

No Child Labor.  We will comply with the minimum ages defined by ILO Conventions on child labor, or applicable laws and regulations if they specify to a higher age requirement.

Freedom Of Association:  We respect the rights of employees to associate or organize without fear of reprisal or interference. If employees are represented by an organization recognized under law, we respect the right to bargain collectively.

No Discrimination.  We will not discriminate in employment hiring practices on the basis of age, nationality, race, religion, social status, ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, political affiliation, marital status, disability, or other protected class as determined by local law.

Hours And Wages.  We shall not require workers to work more than the regular and overtime hours allowed by the law of the country where the workers are employed. All overtime work shall be consensual. Employers shall compensate all overtime work at a premium rate

Workplace Conditions.  We will provide a safe, healthy, and secure workplace. We will abide by all applicable laws and regulations for safety and health.


Minimizing Adverse Impact.  We will abide by all applicable environmental laws and regulations.  We will manage our environmental footprint to minimize the adverse impact on the environment. We aim to manage our production processes, energy and water usage, and waste systems for maximum efficiency and minimal adverse impact on the environment.


Product Security Through Delivery.  We and our suppliers will implement procedures that ensure products have not been changed or tampered with from shipping point through delivery.

Ethical Behavior.  Our suppliers are expected to conduct their business in accordance with the highest ethical standards and will strictly comply with all laws and regulations on bribery, corruption and prohibited business practices. No money, assets, gifts, fees, bribes or compensation of any kind may be given to our employees or our affiliates’ employees in an attempt to unduly influence such person’s decision making abilities.


Our Company’s Commitment To These Business Principles

Our adoption of this Commitment to Ethical and Responsible Conduct Policy expresses our sincere commitment to the principles expressed. It is our guide to conducting our business decisions and relationships. However, by adoption and application of these business philosophies, we do not waive and expressly reserve all our rights granted us under applicable law.


